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Security on this site is higher than most. All of your communication is enclosed in an industry-standard
TLS encrypted tunnel (sometimes refred to as SSL which is actually the retired predeceessor of TLS). This
tunnnel is in place from before you login, until after you logout, even when you are viewing non-sensitive,
public information. Additionally, identifying information such as names and email addresses are encrypted
when stored in the database, so even if it were breached, it should not yield any personal information or
login credentials. Our session identifiers are cryptographically strong, while those on most other sites
are not. We do not read cookies from other sites, or track any aspect of your activity outside of this site.
We do not sell or otherwise share access to personal information with third parties (unless they are under
a confidentiality contract with us and acting as our agents to help us work on the site.) If you come back
with JavaScript enabled and have been enrolled in Tracker, you will be able to login in here.